The Planet is not Dying, It is Already Half Dead
The planet is not dying, it is already half dead. Even then we don’t seem to tame our greed’s a bit, actually it’s exactly the opposite. There has been a tremendous increase in demand due to increased standard of living and unnecessary consumption just to increase business by advertisement, that makes people buy things they don’t need. This crazy thing called business, where people are destroying a visible nature for an invisible amount of money that stays somewhere on a computer screen in digital form mostly. The unnecessary race to leave others behind has resulted in our self-destruction and not only of a certain type of people but of everyone. There is a god or not?
we don’t know
The planet is not dying, it is already half deadexactly, but we surely have created our own doom. That is coming towards us charging like a raging bull, yet business seems to be more important. The problem is we are ruled and controlled by crazy psychopaths be it public or private sector. We have glorified and celebrated people who know the price of everything and value of nothing. Why is it so hard to understand that oxygen is more important than air- conditioning, that walking is actually beneficial than unnecessary use of that fuel consuming and carbon producing metal monster just to buy grocery. We consume and buy to feel rich and satisfied, yet doing so is making us more restless and we are losing touch with our souls.
The planet is not dying it is been literally killed and those who are killing it have got names and addresses, but why don’t the authorities or leaders seem to take some effective actions against these people. They all are into it together, everyone gets their share and thus no one cares.
Everything is connected, with the planet dying there are many things dying with it, morals, values, ethics, the sense of responsibility.
We have lost the essence of being human, most of us in the present are just zombies, who wake up to perform a certain work to earn money that has actually enslaved our minds to these concept that we were only born to do this, People don’t live anymore they only survive. This human race once strived and worked to find answers to our existence and purpose, but today we are only consuming and calling it a life. We think we are making progress but in the last two thousand years our intelligence has been on a continuous decline. We as a species have lost our motive and turned to actual savages that wear suits and smile but are more dangerous than our ancestors whom we call primitive and wild.
Maybe the planet will survive but if we don’t mend our ways, we won’t! Everyone is running without the knowledge of why they are running and where they have to go? Just owning more than the others and being rich is the answer? Really! You think that this planet, probably the only planet in this universe to have life is so that we can kill each other to claim more of it and as common-sense say’s that doesn’t even last, as nothing is permanent but definitely this race is causing a lot of damage to this planet, our only chance, hope, home whatever you call it. The destruction of this planet or the human race indirectly can’t be simply explained only with the help of scientific data and terminologies there has to be a deeper understanding.
The environment we live in today is not the one that nature intended for us, we totally destroyed the original environment and today are living in an artificially created man made environment that has disconnected us from this planet, hence, the current generation and the future one’s too, doesn’t knows the importance of this nature and so they don’t care about it.
We need to rebuild that connection it is our only hope. Nature provides us with everything for free but the greed of few men’s who wanted to control and channelize that supply has brought us to the exploitation of these resources. Their greed leads us to overuse and abuse of these resources for their personal profits. The problem is not that the global warming has begun but, that how fast it has reached the maxima. We humans have acted as a catalyst in the process of this natural phenomena that has increased and magnified the intensity of its wrath many folds.
In the last hundred years we have released so much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that can be scaled to 2000:1 ratio comparing the time period from the beginning of the world. If we scale the creation of this planet on a 24 hour clock we have been on this planet for only three seconds and look what we have done. We have killed nearly half the animal and plant kingdom by destroying their natural habitat and for what? To replace them with paddy rice fields. The lush green forests have disappeared to be converted into our fancy furniture’s. We proudly call ourselves the most intelligent species but it is time to reflect and think that are we really intelligent or just dominant? We have generated so much artificial material like plastic and fibre that cannot be degraded by nature and hence now we are getting buried under our own waste.
Money has driven man crazy to the extent where it cannot even see its own destruction. It is no one’s fault, but everyone’s. It is not a scientific problem but a spiritual thing now. We need a spiritual awakening of the masses at large. So that we can relearn what we have forgotten and rebuild that connection with nature again or else the doom of humanity is for sure inevitable.
The most important thing to consider is that humans changed and developed to live a lifestyle that is not compatible with nature. And we can change ourselves but we can’t change or replace nature, but nature can replace us. We need to go back, that is the only solution. The answer is, we cheated nature and now it wants its revenge and it will get it. No matter how proud or smart we think we are, we never can beat nature.
One of the misconceptions of the masses is that we can solve this out by introducing some kind of new technology, by making more progress and advancement. But fire cannot extinguish fire. We need to learn the way of our ancestors and become one with nature again. The most important thing to do is to curb our greed and desires that are unnecessary…
Why is everyone throwing there trash in seas and parks and the whole world ?